When someone asks you, “How are you doing?” , have you ever responded “Busy!” I know I have. Too many times to remember. The truth is, life is mostly very busy. We live, work & play in such high-paced worlds. Living in such a connected & technological world has not guaranteed a slower pace. Even maintaining our networks of friends can be so time-consuming, sucking the last bit of private life from our agendas as we slump into bed exhausted … again.
One of my secrets for a more disciplined life is to get away from it all with just you, your Bible & God - no phones !! Grab maybe 30 minutes or an hour in the morning before you really get stuck into the day’s workload, and decompress with the Maker of the Universe. For me, it’s been a life-saver!
Read, listen, pray, sing, worship, reflect, sit in silence and ponder/dream. These processes are so important as we oxygenate our lives before God our Father. Hearing the rhythms of life through the comfort of the Holy Spirit seems to bring more balance to the chaos of my world. God’s Word … His wisdom … just seems to make sense to me every morning. Listening to the Creator, rather than the demands of everyone else in my stressed-filled life. How did I do life without this special time before this?
Jesus did it. He understood the importance of space with his Father. I’m guessing his life was pretty stressful - enemies wanting him killed, people with never ceasing demands, teaching a group of 12 key friends. Day in, day out. But the discipline of his daily quiet time was the game-changer.
Try it … I dare you! Push everything away for 60 minutes in the morning. Get up half an hour earlier if you have to, and just hang out with God. You will see the difference in your mind, and your mental health. God will bring direction, peace, wisdom, forgiveness & comfort. Aren’t they the things that we really need today?
God’s Word puts it this way - “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged.” [ Deut. 31:8 ]