(Please click on the Title date & the Sermon Notes will open as a PDF in a new window)

DATE         TITLE & PASSAGE                                     SPEAKER          MEDIA LINKS

25 Dec 2018   God’s Free Gift … Jesus.  Luke 1:26 - 38 & Luke 2:1 - 20        Ps. Marshall Muller
23 Dec 2018   Christmas uncut!  Isaiah 9:2 - 7                                               Ps. Marshall Muller
2 Dec 2018     Why Christ came (When God became man) - Luke 19:10          Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
25 Nov 2018   Book of Revelation Chapter 22 - Jesus is coming soon!            Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
18 Nov 2018   Book of Revelation Chapter 21 - The Eternal Order                  Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
4 Nov 2018     Communion - Eternal Values & Earthly Values - Eph.1:6          Ps. Marshall Muller
4 Nov 2018     Book of Revelation Chapter 20 - The Millennial Kingdom         Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
7 Oct 2018 Book of Revelation Chapter 19 - The King is Coming! Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
30 Sep 2018 Book of Revelation Chapter 18 - Doom to Babylon Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
16 Sep 2018    Book of Revelation Chapter 17 - The Prostitute on the Beast    Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
9 Sep 2018      Book of Revelation Chapter 16 - 7 Bowls of God’s Wrath          Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
26 Aug 2018   Book of Revelation Chapter 15 - 7 Angels with 7 Plagues         Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
12 Aug 2018   Book of Revelation Chapter 14 - The Final Great Harvest          Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
5 Aug 2018     Book of Revelation Chapter 13 - The 2 Beasts & the Mark         Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
22 July 2018    Book of Revelation Chapter 12 - The Woman & the Dragon      Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
8 July 2018      No Longer I (Galatians 2:20)                                                     Ps. Marshall Muller
1 July 2018      Book of Revelation Chapter 11 - The Two Witnesses                 Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
24 June 2018   Book of Revelation Chapter 10 - The angel & the little scroll     Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
10 June 2018   Book of Revelation Chapter 9 - The Woe Judgements                Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
3 June 2018     Book of Revelation Chapter 8 - The Trumpet Judgements         Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
27 May 2018    Book of Revelation Chapter 7 - The 144,000 Sealed                 Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
20 May 2018    Book of Revelation Chapter 6 - The Great Tribulation               Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
13May 2018     Book of Revelation Chapter 5 - The Lamb & the 7 seal scroll    Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
6 May, 2018     Book of Revelation Chapter 4 - The Throne of Heaven              Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
29 Apr, 2018    Book of Revelation Ch. 3 - Things which must come to pass    Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
22 Apr, 2018    Book of Revelation Chapter 2 - The Things which are               Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
15 Apr, 2018    Book of Revelation Chapter 1 - What John saw                          Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
1 Apr, 2018      Easter Sunday - "God's Greatest Trophy" Luke 23:32-43           Ps. Marshall Muller     Clip - Easter Celebration
30 Mar, 2018   Good Friday - "It is good!"                                                         Ps. Marshall Muller     Clip - It is finished.
                                                                                                                                                           Clip - Consuming Fire
28 Mar, 2018   The Passover Meal                                                                     Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
25 Mar, 2018   Why did Jesus have to die?  - Matthew 21:1-11                         Ps. Marshall Muller     
11 Mar, 2018   True & Sincere Worship - Malachi                                              Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
                                                                                                                                                           Clip - Bean goes to Church
4 Mar, 2018     Church Leadership - Elders & Deacons 1 Tim 3; Titus 1             Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
18 Feb, 2018   Why Baptism?  Acts 2:37-42                                                       Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
11 Feb, 2018   What does a Christian believe?  1 Corinthians 15:1-4                 Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
4 Feb, 2018     Communion - The Body of Christ - 1 Corinthians 11:17 - 32     Ps. Marshall Muller    
28 Jan, 2018    The Church is ....   Ephesians 2:19-22                                        Ps. Marshall Muller
21 Jan, 2018    Into the Deep Wk4 - Deeper is as deeper does - Luke 6:47-49  Ps. Marshall Muller     PowerPoint
                                                                                                                                                           Into the Deep Wk4 notes
                                                                                                                                                           The Foundation skit
14 Jan, 2018    Into the Deep Wk3 - I will be there for you - Ecclesiastes 4       Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
                                                                                                                                                           Into the Deep Wk3 Notes
7 Jan, 2018      Into the Deep Wk2 - Day-by-Day  - Galatians 6:7-10               Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
                                                                                                                                                           Into the Deep Wk2 Notes