(Please click on the Title date & the Sermon Notes will open as a PDF in a new window)

DATE      TITLE & PASSAGE                                      SPEAKER          MEDIA LINKS

14 July 2024 S.H.A.P.E. Series - Examining my (E)xperiences - Rom. 8:28 Ps. Marshall Muller Experiences Tool PPT
9 June 2024 S.H.A.P.E. Series - Plugging into my (P)ersonality Ps. Marshall Muller Personality Tool1 Tool2
2 June 2024 S.H.A.P.E. Series - Applying my (A)bilities Ps. Marshall Muller Abilities Tool
26 May 2024 S.H.A.P.E. Series - Monitoring my (H)eartbeat - Psalm 37:4 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint Heart Tool
19 May 2024 S.H.A.P.E. Series - Unwrapping Your (S)piritual gift Ps. M.arshall Muller Shape Tool Ministry Profile
12 May 2024 Mothers Day - The Impact of a Godly Mother Gen. 2, Prov. 31 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3
5 May 2024 SHAPE - Shaped to serve - Ephesians 2:10 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
28 April 2024 SHAPE - Discovering/discerning/deploying your Spiritual gift Ps. Marshall Muller Media Clip
7 April 2024 The Road to Easter - Jesus is risen…so what? Matt. 28:1-10 Ps. Marshall Muller Road to Emmaus Clip
31 Mar 2024 The Road to Easter - The Day that Changed the World-Luke 24 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3 Clip4 Clip5
29 Mar 2024 The Road to Easter - Good Friday: This is how LOVE wins Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3 Clip4 Clip5
24 Mar 2024 The Road to Easter - The Palm Sunday Journey Luke 19:28-48 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint Clip1 Clip2
17 Mar 2024 Easter mini-series - The Road to Easter Matthew 21:1-11 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
3 Mar 2024 Series - The Church. The Lord’s Supper - 1 Cor. 11:17-32 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint Clip1
25 Feb 2024 Series - The Church. Baptism Acts 2:36-42; Matt 28:19-20 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint Clip1
18 Feb 2024 Series - The Church. Leadership - Elders & Deacons. Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint Clip1 Clip2
11 Feb 2024 Series - The Church. What do Christians believe? 1 Cor. 15:1-4 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint Media Clip
4 Feb 2024 Series - The Church. Who/What is the Church? Eph. 2:19-22 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
28 Jan 2024 Series-Sitting at Jesus’ feet. Do you love me? John 21:15-25 Ps. Marshall Muller
21 Jan 2024 Series-Sitting at Jesus’ feet. Serving like Jeus. John 13:1-17 Ps. Marshall Muller
14 Jan 2024 Series-Sitting at Jesus’ feet. Costly Worship. John 12:1-11 Ps. Marshall Muller
7 Jan 2024 SERIES-Sitting at Jesus’ feet. Duty or Devotion? Luke 10:38-42 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint