(Please click on the Title date & the Sermon Notes will open as a PDF in a new window)

DATE         TITLE & PASSAGE                                     SPEAKER          MEDIA LINKS

27 Dec 2020 Finishing Strong - God is (still) God Isaiah 40:31 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3 PowerPoint
25 Dec 2020 We (still) need a Saviour Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3 Clip4 Clip5
20 Dec 2020 Jesus is (still) the Light of the World - Isaiah 9:1-6 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip 3 PPT
13 Dec 2020 Jesus is (still) the reason for the Season Ps. Marshall Muller St. Nick Reason4Season
6 Dec 2020 Romans Chapter 16 - Warnings, Greetings & Praises Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
29 Nov 2020 Romans Chapter 15 - Harmonious Unity in God’s Family Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
22 Nov 2020 Romans Chapter 14 - Free in Christ - Weak/Strong Brother Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
15 Nov 2020 Romans Chapter 13 - Love fulfills the Law Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
8 Nov 2020 Romans Chapter 12 - God’s Righteousness at work Ps. Marshall Muller
1 Nov 2020 Romans Chapter 11 - Israel’s Restoration & the Olive Tree Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
25 Oct 2020 Romans Chapter 9:30-10:21 - Salvation is God’s job Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
18 Oct 2020 Romans Chapter 9:1-29 - Israel’s Past, Present & Future Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
4 Oct 2020 Romans Chapter 8:18-39 - More than Conquerors Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
27 Sept 2020 Romans Chapter 8:1-17 - Life through the Spirit Ps. Marshall Muller
20 Sept 2020 Romans Chapter 7 - Bound to Christ Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
13 Sept 2020 Romans Chapter 6 - When Death comes to Life Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
6 Sept 2020 Romans Chapter 5 - One for all & all for One Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
30 August 2020 Romans Chapter 4 - Trusting God by faith Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
23 August 2020 Romans Chapter 3 - we’re all in this sinking boat together Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
16 August 2020 Romans Chapter 2 - God is Kind but not Soft! Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
9 August 2020 Romans Chapter 1:18-32 - God’s Righteousness Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
2 August 2020 Romans Chapter 1:1-17 - I am not ashamed of the Gospel Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
19 July 2020 Zechariah Chapter 14 - The Day of the Lord Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
12 July 2020 Zechariah Chapter 13 - The Spiritual Cleansing of the Land Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
5 July 2020 Zechariah Chapter 12 - The Campaign of Armageddon Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
28 June 2020 Zechariah Chapter 11 - The Two Shepherds Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
21 June 2020 Communion Time - The Extinction of Rebellion John 6:35 Ps. Marshall Muller
21 June 2020 Zechariah Chapter 10 - The Salvation/Restoration of Israel Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
14 June 2020 Zechariah Chapter 9 - The King is Coming! Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
7 June 2020 Communion Time - Every Life Matters to God - Psalm 83 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip - ‘What do you see?’
7 June 2020 Zechariah Chapter 8 - God promises to bless Jerusalem Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
31 May 2020 Zechariah Chapter 7 - Justice & Mercy, not Fasts/Feasts Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
24 May 2020 Zechariah Chapter 6 - The Four Chariots Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
17 May 2020 Zechariah Chapter 5 - Flying Scroll & a Woman in a Basket Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
10 May 2020 Zechariah Chapter 4 - Gold Lampstand & 2 Olive Trees Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
3 May 2020 Zechariah Chapter 3 - Clean Garments for the High Priest Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
3 May 2020 Communion - Jesus the vaccine for our sin. Eph. 2:13-22 Ps. Marshall Muller
26 April 2020 Zechariah Chapter 2 - The Man with a Measuring Line Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
19 April 2020 Zechariah Chapter 1 - A Call to Repentance Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
12 April 2020 Resurrection Sunday - The Silence of the Lamb - Isaiah 53 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
10 April 2020 Good Friday - It is FINISHED!! Matthew 27:27-61 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
5 April 2020 Triumphal Entry of the King - Matt. 21:1-11 (Palm Sunday) Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
29 March 2020 A Message of Hope: Jesus is not Fake News Ps. Marshall Muller
15 March 2020 Galatians Chapter 6 - What will you do with your freedom? Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
8 March 2020 Galatians Chapter 5 - Standing in Freedom, not legalism Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
1 March 2020 Galatians 4 - To be free or not to be free; that is the question Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
23 Feb 2020 Galatians Chapter 3 - All One in Christ - no distinctions Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
16 Feb 2020 Galatians Chapter 2 - No longer I that lives, but Christ in me Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
9 Feb 2020 Galatians Chapter 1 - Saved by faith alone? Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
19 Jan 2020 Galatians Intro: Jesus+Nothing=Everything. Gal. 1; Acts 15 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
12 Jan 2020 Whom are you serving? Who is your Lord? (Luke 16;Mark 10) Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
5 Jan 2020       Living Intentionally one day at a time (Colossians 3:15-17)      Ps. Marshall Muller     One Intentional Day