(Please click on the Title date & the Sermon Notes will open as a PDF in a new window)

DATE       TITLE & PASSAGE                                     SPEAKER          MEDIA LINKS

26 Dec 2021 Christmas Characters: How did the Wise Men know? (2019) Ps. Marshall Muller
25 Dec 2021 The Birth of the King - Luke 2 (Christmas Day) Ps. Marshall Muller Clip 1 Clip 2 Clip 3 Clip 4
19 Dec 2021 Christmas Characters: The SHEPHERDS - Luke 2:8-20 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip 1 Clip 2
12 Dec 2021 Christmas Characters: MARY/MIRIAM - Luke 1:26-56 Ps. Marshall Muller The First Christmas: Mary
5 Dec 2021 Christmas Characters: JOSEPH - Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 2:1-21 Ps. Marshall Muller The True Heart of Christmas
28 Nov 2021 8 Beautiful Attitudes (Beatitudes) - Matt. 5:1-12 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
21 Nov 2021 Parable of the Sower - Matt. 13:1-23 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
7 Nov 2021 Jesus, our best investment - Matt. 6:19-24 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
31 Oct 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 13-24 - Choose this day!! Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
24 Oct 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 12 - 33 Kings defeated! Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
10 Oct 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 11 - The Northern Campaign Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
3 Oct 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 10 - The Day the Sun stood still Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
26 Sep 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 9 - The Gibeonite Deception Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
19 Sep 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 8 - Victory at Ai (God’s Way) Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
29 Aug 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 7 - Achan’s Sin - Valley of Trouble Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
22 Aug 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 6 - Battle of Jericho Ps Marshall Muller PowerPoint
15 Aug 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 5 - Let the Lord fight your battles Ps Marshall Muller PowerPoint
18 July 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 4 - Stones of Remembrance Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
11 July 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 3 - Crossing your Jordan Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
4 July 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 2 - Rahab, a unique woman of faith Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
13 June 2021 Joshua Series - Chapter 1 - Claiming our Canaan Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
30 May 2021 Joshua Series ‘Crossing Over’ - Introduction Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
16 May 2021 The Blood-bought Life - 1 Peter 1:17-21 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
9 May 2021 Happy Mother’s Day - The Mum gift Ps. Marshall Muller Clip#1 #2 #3 #4 #5
2 May 2021 What to do when the end is near - 1 Peter 4:7-11 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
25 Apr 2021 Leave everything & just Follow Me (Jesus) Matt. 4:18-22 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
18 Apr 2021 What does it mean when Jesus says, ‘Çome .. follow me’? Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
11 Apr 2021 How then shall we live? Discerning false teachers Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
4 Apr 2021 All Restrictions removed! (Easter Sunday) Luke 24:1-12 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3 Clip4 Clip5
2 Apr 2021 God’s 3-day lockdown (Good Friday) Luke 23:1-55 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3 Clip4
28 Mar 2021 Following Jesus - Receive the King Luke 19:28-48 Ps. Marshall Muller Clip1 Clip2 Clip3
7 Mar 2021 Following Jesus - Jesus, our Living Bread John 6:22-71 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
28 Feb 2021 Following Jesus - Learning in the Storms Matt. 14:24-33 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
21 Feb 2021 Following Jesus - Feeding the 5,000 John 6:1-15 Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint
7 Feb 2021 Am I a Disciple or just a Christian? Luke 14:25-35 Ps. Marshall Muller Message Clip
31 Jan 2021 Following Jesus - 9 Characteristics of a follower of Jesus Ps. Marshall Muller PowerPoint