(Please click on the Title date & the Sermon Notes will open as a PDF in a new window)

DATE         TITLE & PASSAGE                                     SPEAKER          MEDIA LINKS

31 Dec, 2017      Into the Deep Wk1 - No stress!  - Romans 8:18-39           Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
                                                                                                                                                        Into the Deep Wk 1 Notes
25 Dec, 2017     God became one of us so we could become one with Him   Ps. Marshall Muller       Emmanuel Clip 
24 Dec, 2017     Peace ... to all mankind! - Luke 2                                        Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
                                                                                                                                                         What Child is this?
17 Dec, 2017     Hope ... The heart of Christmas - Luke 2:1-20                    Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
                                                                                                                                                         Christmas Confusion
26 Nov, 2017     Don't waste your life - Matthew 25:14-30                           Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Matt 25:14-30
19 Nov, 2017     Transforming Grace - Luke 19:1-10                                    Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Zac's Story
15 Oct, 2017      The Olivet Discourse                                                           Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Olivet Discourse
1 Oct, 2017        Jesus, Israel & the Church                                                    Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
24 Sep, 2017      Israel - God in the Past, Present & Future                            Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
17 Sep, 2017      Why Israel is important to every person on earth                 Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
10 Sep, 2017     God is still in control - Habakkuk                                         Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint
3 Sep, 2017       Being the Dads God wants us to be                                      Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
27 Aug, 2017     The Church ... the Bride of Christ                                        Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint
20 Aug, 2017     The 6 Books of God                                                            Ps. Marshall Muller     
13 Aug, 2017     God's Shekinah Glory                                                          Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - God's Shekinah
6 Aug, 2017       Knowing the Names of God                                                 Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Names of God
30 July, 2017     Give thanks with a Grateful Heart - Luke 17:11-19              Ps. Marshall Muller      
16 July, 2017     Hebrews Series Chapter 13 - Our unchanging Lord Jesus     Ps. Marshall Muller       
2 July, 2017       Hebrews Series Chapter 12B - An unshakeable Kingdom      Ps. Marshall Muller       Communion Focus
25 June, 2017    Hebrews Series Chapter 12A - Cross-eyed faith                   Ps. Marshall Muller
4 June, 2017      Hebrews Series Chapter 11 - A Faith to die for                     Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Hebrews 11
                                                                                                                                                          Clip - March of Unqualified
                                                                                                                                                          Clip - Step of Faith
28 May, 2017    Hebrews Series Chapter 10 - Once-and-for-all Sacrifice      Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Hebrews 10
21 May, 2017    Hebrews Series Chapter 9 - No Blood ... No Forgiveness       Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Hebrews 9
14 May, 2017    The closest thing to God's love is a Mother's love                  Ps. Marshall Muller      SkitGuys - Being Mum
                                                                                                                                                         SkitGuys - In her steps
7 May, 2017      Hebrews Series Chapter 8 - A New Covenant ... in blood       Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Hebrews 8
30 April, 2017   Hebrews Series Chapter 7 - Jesus our High Priest forever      Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Hebrews 7
23 April, 2017   Hebrews Series Chapter 6 - Warnings & Promises!                 Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Hebrews 6
16 April, 2017   Easter Sunday - Good News from the Graveyard                    Ps. Marshall Muller      Easter Drawing
                                                                                                                                                          Scars     Risen Easter Worship
14 April, 2017  Good Friday - It's Friday ... but Sunday's coming!                   Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Good Friday
                                                                                                                                                         Skit Guys - Save Us
2 April, 2017    Hebrews Series Chapter 5 - Bottle-fed or Steak & Vegies?      Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Hebrews 5
                                                                                                                                                         Skit Guys - Baggage
26 Mar, 2017   Hebrews Series Chapter 4 - 'Finding our rest in God'              Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Hebrews 4
                                                                                                                                                         Skit Guys - Trust Fall
19 Mar, 2017   Hebrews Series Chapter 3 - 'The Danger of Disobedience'      Ps. Marshall Muller      
5 Mar, 2017     Hebrews Series Chapter 2 - 'Everything under Jesus' control'  Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Hebrews 2
26 Feb 2017    Hebrews Series Chapter 1 - 'God's Final Word: JESUS'              Ps. Marshall Muller       PowerPoint - Hebrews 1
19 Feb 2017    Hebrews Series 'In Christ Alone' - An Introduction                   Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Hebrews Intro
5 Feb 2017      Empowered to Serve Series - Unity with Diversity                     Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - 1 Cor. 12
                                                                                                                                                          PowerPoint - Use your gifts
29 Jan 2017     Empowered to Serve Series - Discovering your S.H.A.P.E.         Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - S.H.A.P.E.
22 Jan 2017     Empowered to Serve Series - The 28 Gifts of the Holy Spirit     Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint-28 Spiritual Gifts
15 Jan 2017     Empowered to Serve Series - Spiritual Gifts Intro (1 Cor. 12)    Ps. Marshall Muller      PowerPoint - Spiritual Gifts
8 Jan 2017       I can see clearly now    (Luke 24:13-53)                                   Ps. Marshall Muller
1 Jan 2017       It's Christmas every day!  (2 Corinthians 9:15)                          Ps. Marshall Muller