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KYB - Know Your Bible

KYB is our Ladies Bible Study held at the Hub99 Offices (99 Patrick Street, Laidley). Jeanette D. is the Church KYB Coordinator. The KYB group meets each Thursday (2024) at 1.15pm. In the four terms of the year, we study a different book of the Bible, or a Bible subject. The studies involve homework by reading a set passage each day and answering questions on this passage. 
2024 Term 1 - Topic TBA

When the group meets, answers are shared and discussed. The teaching, discipline, accountability, fellowship and outreach are all a real blessing to those who attend. These studies enrich, equip and enable women as they grow in Christ through sharing the Bible.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.”  (Matthew 3:6)

Come and see for yourself; you’ll be glad you did.

Enquiries: Jeanette D.