Revelation (M. Muller)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ written by the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos. One of the most controversial books in the Scriptures.
The value of the Book of Revelation is not that it provides a lot of new information, but rather that it takes the scattered Old Testament prophecies & puts them in chronological order so that the sequence of events may be determined.
The last 2 Chapters of Revelation is totally new material describing the Eternal Order. The Old Testament prophets new foresaw anything beyond the Messianic Kingdom. There is a blessing to those who read & hear the words of this book, and also to those who keep the things which are written.
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller
Marshall Muller