everyone is welcome.
Everyone is welcome at Laidley Baptist Church. We meet in the local Cultural Centre Function Room (seats 200). Our 9:30 am service runs for about one and a quarter hours. There is ample off-road parking & a ramp to get up the front stairs. As you enter the Cultural Centre from the car park, one of our welcomers will meet you at the Function Centre front door and give you a newsletter, which contains guest information and they can answer any questions you may have. They can also show you to a seat, introduce you to someone new, or connect you with other groups that meet each week at the Church. We take up a free-will offering every Sunday morning during Church. If you are a visitor feel free to let the offering bag pass
by you. Communion is celebrated on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of
each month. Those who love the Lord are welcome to participate.
If you are a first-time guest, we encourage you to sign our welcome book and leave your address – that way we can write to you and thank you for attending – we will NOT use your address for any other purpose. A free morning tea is served after the service, where everyone has the opportunity to catch up & meet new friends.
NOTE - Assistance dogs are also very welcome.