I recently had a birthday - I'm a December baby!. As I celebrate another birthday, I realized that I'm still growing up. Some (particularly my adult children) might suggest that I’m getting old! Either way, these significant milestones force you to think about how much of ‘life’ you’ve experienced, or how much is left. The desire to leave a mark/influence on those you love starts to dominate your thoughts and actions.
In the weeks leading up to Christmas a change comes upon our society. There is a different spirit that encourages love, kindness and generosity toward one another. We show our love in many practical ways – thoughtful gifts, words of encouragement, family gatherings, meals together, holidays shared, cards, emails, Facebook messages, helping others, acts of kindness etc. But who started this ‘Christmas’ culture? How did it become a time of thinking of, and helping others?
Every child (and parent) knows that Christmas is certainly about giving. After all, God gave the greatest gift of all times at Christmas – His Son. But just as the purpose of a Christmas gift is not fulfilled until it has been accepted by the person you give it to, so too, Christmas is also about receiving. Because God loved us so much, He gave us His only Son—that whoever believes and receives Him—that person will have everlasting life (John 3:16). If you don’t receive God’s gift of Jesus Christ, then you won’t understand completely the true meaning of Christmas.
Childish as it might sound, I can’t imagine leaving any gifts unopened under the tree. Each year God’s gift waits under everyone’s tree, in every child’s stocking, and in every household. Have you opened God’s gift for you? Perhaps you are too busy and just haven’t gotten around to it? Or have ignored the ‘signposts’. Have you been too distracted, never choosing to even look into God’s gift? Perhaps you have never heard the real Christmas story or have forgotten it. My hope is that God’s gift would not remain unopened again this festive season. His gift of love has made its mark in the hearts of all men, women and children and continues to impact those He loves – you & me. Will you receive God’s generous gift of Jesus this Christmas?
May God’s peace and love be your experience during this holy season and throughout the next year.
Pastor Marshall