(Please click on a Topic of your choice & PDF document will open in a new window)


Jesus said he didn't come to abolish the Law (Matthew 5:17), but to fulfill it. So does that mean as Christians we should be keeping the (Mosaic) Law or not? ANSWER

2. woman caught in adultery

In John 8, Jesus is brought a woman caught in adultery. He stoops & writes something in the sand. What did he write?
Why didn’t the Pharisees stone her according to the Mosaic Law? ANSWER

3. "Today you will be with me in Paradise” - where is paradise?

When Jesus said to the criminal on the cross, "Today you will be with me in Paradise”, did he go straight to Paradise when he died? Or did he have to wait until Jesus was resurrected? Where is Paradise? ANSWER

4. Does the New Testament church still have to tithe?

In Genesis 14, Abraham is met by the King/Priest of Salem & Abraham gives him an offering of a tenth. The Bible talks about tithing (a tenth) back to the Lord. Does the N.T. Church still have to follow this rule/law of tithing?   ANSWER

5. MATTHEW 7:21-23 - were these people (who cast out demons & did mighty works in the name of jesus) born again?

In Matthew 7, were these people Jesus talks about, born-again Christians? ANSWER

6. is speaking in tongues the only evidence of the presence of the holy spirit?

Some Churches state in their doctrine that 'speaking in tongues is the only evidence of having the Holy Spirit’. Have they (incorrectly) focussed on one gift only at the exclusion of others?   ANSWER

7. Has the gift of prophecy ceased?

When did the gift of Prophecy end if the Apostle Paul writes about Prophecy being one of the gifts in Corinthians?   ANSWER

8. what are the ‘greater things’ jesus talks about in John 14:12?

Jesus states that 'whoever believes in me will do greater things than these because I am going to the Father’.
What did Jesus mean?