I was thinking this week of the greatest gift that I have ever received on Christmas morning. There's a few that rate right up there ... like the full face Batman mask when I was a kid, or perhaps the electro ray gun that shot red sparks out . Hey, they were the days weren't they. In later years as I have gotten older, the gifts have got a bit 'Ho-hum' - socks, Hardware store vouchers, shortbread - and they probably don't rate as high on the Christmas morning excitement meter. Perhaps, that's what it means to be an adult ... No more excitement about Christmas! Sigh (I hope not)
But then I thought. Hang on. The greatest gift ever given is simple. It's forgiveness! Made possible through a divine gift that came in the flesh as a helpless baby. Revealed to stinky shepherds ... implanted in an unwed teenager ... a gift so big that it can fit under the tree of every person on this planet. [ I wonder how you would react to find a new baby under the tree on Christmas morning? ]
Yep, the greatest gift is simple - it's Jesus. Described in Isaiah 61 as our Deliverer, come to set us free from the darkness that is so obvious around us. Born so that we might have everlasting joy instead of shame. Come in the flesh so that we might enjoy the favour of the Lord. When we think of Christmas as just shopping/rushing around/cooking/buying the right gift and fruit cake, is it any wonder that Christmas brings temporary happiness that fades as soon as the wrapping is undone?
But something or someone that brings eternal hope is a different picture. Imagine an eternal gift that never loses it's relevance, value or wonder. Some would suggest that the story of a baby born to die as our Saviour has no meaning in the 21st Century. I would disagree. Rather, if there is one thing we so desperately need in our short lives is the hope that someone does love us deeply and cares enough to show us unending forgiveness, grace and peace. These are the gifts we truly need at Christmas time. A world that's lost it's way needs to be led again by the light of the Christmas star back to the Judean hills 2000 years ago to see the real Christmas. A heavenly father who choreographed the biggest Christmas lightshow and insists on giving us the greatest gift. His son. (No returns)
This year, may you rediscover the real Christmas story among the trash of this world's attempts to simulate happiness. Jesus is truly the reason for this season ... and Jesus is truly the greatest gift given to mankind (even though, sadly, many won't accept the gift).